Our Uniform
Our school uniform consists of the following:
School Colour: Royal Blue
- Blue Sweatshirt
- Blue Polo Shirt
- Grey Trousers
- Grey Skirt
- Blue Gingham Summer Dress
Polo shirts, sweatshirts and joggers may be ordered from Crea8tive Graphics.
Other items can be found in local stores.
Our PE kit consists of the following:
Sports Wear: Blue T-shirt, blue shorts, plimsolls/trainers
- P.E. kit needs to be kept in school at all times in a blue sports bag. It is helpful if parents can wash the kit at the weekend and return it each Monday.
- For cross-country running during the winter months, pupils may need old jogging pants / trousers and old trainers as the route can be very muddy.
- Children have bare feet when doing dance
- All children swim once a week at Wolsingham Learner pool and need the appropriate equipment. All children wear swimming caps.
- Indoor shoes are required to keep the school as clean and mud-free as possible.
- Please ensure all of your child’s clothing is named
The following guidelines for dress are suggested:
- Children should be dressed in layers so that they can adjust to indoor and outdoor temperature conditions at all times of the day/year.
- They should have appropriate outdoor clothing during wet and cold weather, which includes boots or wellies.
- Children enjoy playing in snow, but they need a change of clothing for these conditions.
Jewellery & other items:
Children are not allowed to wear jewellery in school for safety and security reasons. Children with pierced ears may wear studs but it is expected that they will be able to remove them, and store them safely for PE and swimming lessons. Mobile phones may be brought to school by Year 5 and 6 pupils who are walking home. They should be handed in at the office on arrival and collected at home time.
Where to purchase it:
There is no requirement for pupils to wear items with school logos. We understand that items with distinctive characteristics (such as branded items, or items that have to have a school logo or a unique fabric/colour/design) cannot be purchased from a wide range of retailers and that requiring many such items limits parents’ ability to ‘shop around’ for a low price. School uniform can be purchased from any of the major supermarkets.
Items of school uniform that include the school’s logo can be purchased online from Cre8ive Graphics (a local supplier based in Bishop Auckland). Orders can be placed by visiting the Website or their local shop.